Diets with fewer carbohydrates and more protein and Countless dieting fads have been rammed down our throats: milkshakes, detox, Atkins, CSIRO - and, of course with some of them working to get us temporary relief and some also causing harm in the long run. The perfect plan for you will depend on your unique food preferences and habits
Different diets available in the Australian market
1. The atkins diet
2. Jenny craig diet
3. Weight watchers
4. Dukan diet
5.CSIRO diet
5. Cambridge diet

The Great Australian Diet Reviews
Consumer Reports recently measured the leading diet programs on the market, including Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers and Slim Fast. Although these three programs took the top spots overall based on an aggregation of factors
The Total WellBeing Diet
The diet was developed by the Australian government ( CSIRO) in response to an obesity epidemic that rivals that of the U.S. It claims to balance a well-rounded diet with a high level of protein, and even a dash of exercise
The rate of overweight and obese adults in Australia has almost doubled over the last 20 years, making the country one of the heaviest developed nations, according to the Australian Department of Health and Aging. Below is the plan
- 3/4 cup of high-fiber breakfast cereal with 250 milliliters low-fat milk
- 1 serving of fresh fruit
Lunch - Egg-and-salad sandwich on two slices of whole-grain bread with two boiled eggs, lettuce and spring onions
- 1 banana
Dinner - Coat a 200-gram chicken breast fillet in Moroccan spices, fry in 2 teaspoons of canola oil
- Serve with 11/2 cups of steamed sweet corn, broccoli, and pumpkin While the menu looks appetizing,
How does the plan compare to Atkins and South Beach ?
While Atkins and South Beach don't emphasize physical activity as part of the plans -- an attractive feature to some dieters who aren't motivated to move -- the Total WellBeing Diet promotes exercise as one of its cornerstones.
The Grammy award winner and singer Adele and her partner, charity campaigner Simon Konecki, have recently gone on a double diet, and shed almost a stone (approx 6.4 kilos) each within a month by following a strict vegetarian diet and going jogging
Model Miranda Kerr tells why she believes the blood type diet is best for her. The 26-year-old started following the blood-type eating plan six years ago after her naturopath gave her the book, Eat Right 4 Your Type (Putnam) by Peter D'Adamo. The diet's celebrity followers include Demi Moore, Elizabeth Hurley and Courteney Cox Arquette.
5-factor diet
Devised by celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak, the five-week plan involves eating five meals daily, using five ingredients per meal (including protein, good fats, healthy carbs, fibre and a sugar-free beverage). Dieters must also complete 25-minute work-outs, five times weekly, but are allowed one "cheat day" per week (when you can eat whatever you want).
Who's allegedly been on it: Jessica Simpson, Alicia Keyes, Kanye West and Eva Mendez.
The maple syrup diet
Created by US naturopath Stanley Burroughs, this hardcore weight-loss strategy involves drinking a mixture of water, maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper for around 10 days. No food is allowed.
Who's allegedly been on it: Beyoncé Knowles and Ashanti.
The macrobiotic diet
The original macrobiotic diet was invented by a Japanese man, and it had incremental steps in it, the last being to eat only brown rice and water. As most people would agree that this is not a healthy diet, devotees have embraced a modern-day version of it which includes fruit, vegetables, whole grains and soy products. The key is high-fibre and low-fat.
Who's allegedly been on it: Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna and Joe Pesci.
According to forbes , Consumer Reports released its latest data on the leading diet programs on the market. Jenny Craig, Slim Fast and Weight Watchers take the top three spots by way of an aggregation of hundreds of published studies from the past six years.
Chicken ( LBD-friendly foods) Low Bloating diet
The protein you gain from chicken will keep you feeling fuller for longer, and lean meat such as chicken helps to stabilize your blood sugar levels. This is great news if you want to reduce bloating and gas because often when we are hungry we reach for carbohydrates or sugary foods; both of which contribute to bloating.
How to eat it: Have a chicken salad, using chicken breasts, lettuce, cucumber, almonds, lemon juice, basil and olive oil.
Yoghurt ( LBD-friendly foods)
Yoghurt is an LBD friendly food for lots of reasons. Firstly, it’s high in water, which helps combat any issues you have with water retention. Eating a dollop or two of yogurt before your big night out also puts good bacteria into your gut and, in turn, this reduces the gas that you have within your body.
80 per cent of the gas that causes bloating is the result of your digestive process and so, understandably, anything that aids your digestive process will help to reduce the swelling and discomfit.
How to eat it: You can eat yogurt plain, add it to a smoothie or mix it in with oats and nuts.
Weight gain due to medication
Fewer than 5 percent of Americans who are overweight got that way because of their medications, suggests research by Louis Aronne, MD, director of the Comprehensive Weight Control Program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. Some drugs drive up weight by making you drowsy or lethargic, which means you'll burn fewer calories throughout the day. Others affect brain chemistry in a way that trips hunger switches. Because everyone reacts differently to these drugs, it's virtually impossible to predict how much you might gain during treatment
Gastric bypass surgery
Gastric bypass surgery works for many but also comes with concerns about safety: "Infection, bleeding, and intestinal obstruction are real risks. Bariatric surgery is also rising in popularity —using staples or bands to reduce the stomach from a wine bottle to a couple of grapes (Bariatric surgery cures type 2 diabetes in three out of four patients and eliminates high blood pressure in three out of five patients)
Medical Tourism
The average cost of heart bypass surgery in the United States, for example, is $70,000. In India, the same surgery costs only $7,000—a whopping 90 percent less. For the many uninsured or people who cant afford to take medical insurance in United states and around the world this a very much viable option. The Joint Commission International (USA) has given its approval to 240 hospitals around the world to enable people to take benefit of these low cost medical facilities. The Joint Commission is the largest and most respected accreditation agency in the United States