Home remedies for the seasonal Australian Cold and Flu – part 1
Millions of “Australians suffer the cold and flu” when the colder months of June july and august come very year. it is around this time that the chemists and pharmaceuticals companies for cold and flu medicine make a killing.
Luckily for some who are willing to try some natural medicines and deny these capitalist medicine mongers some of their revenue, i am providing a alternative natural solution.
Simple home remedies for cold and flu
All you need is Patience , eucalyptus oil and hot water and a towel and a inclination to believe or try natural remedies. As you know eucalyptus is known for its medicinal values and it definitely helps remedy cold and flu and unclog all that gunk and stuff you have in your nasal system
What you need to do ?
Eucalyptus oil and Hot water
Heat a couple ( 3 to 4 ) of glasses of water and place it in a wide bowl on the kitchen table which should be off appropriate height ( normally). Drop 2 drops of the eucalyptus oil in the water , place a towel over your head and bring you head down( as close as you can to the bowl without getting burnt with the steam) , so that the large towel encloses the bowl and the area aorund it , while it is over your head and not letting any air in or out ( maybe a small gap will do )
Now start taking deep breaths ( you will get the hot steam air with eucalyptus flavor going up your nose), you can alternate the intensity of the deep breaths as per the heat affecting you you can also add one or 2 more drops ( after a 5 minute session ) if you feel the eucalyptus oil steam has become a bit weaker in the water.
Inhalation with Eucalyptus oil and Hot water
Do this at least 2 times a day for 2 to 3 days and you will be soon on your road to recovery in 2 days or the next couple of days.
Do consult your GP if you have cold and flu as this is only a alternative natural home remedy and may not work for all or in all situations.