Friday, December 17, 2010

Is 3D tv harmful for health ?

Scientists  and researchers say Avoid 3D TV as it can disorient the brain, causing eye strain, headaches, nausea and sickness, scientists warn.

3D TV can be harmful

When buying a 3 DTV , Viewers will have a choice between two types of 3D TVs - active and passive - which show the 3D images in different ways.
An active TV normally will cost less that a passive 3d tv, but will require special 'shutter' glasses. The basic idea is that the TV displays the  3D programme  or movie in a series of rapidly alternating frames - left eye, right eye, left eye, right eye - changing at such a speed that the viewer cannot even detect it is happening. The shutter glasses, which cost 20 to 40 USD a pair and are powered by a small battery, block out one eye or the other on alternate frames at the same high speed, synchronizing with the image being displayed on TV via a wireless connection to the set. The brain is thus fooled into creating a 3D image in the mind's eye.
LCD-3d-tv- prices and models

3D Tv warnings for health

The  3d tv passive technology relies on a special polarising filter on the TV set to split the image into its left eye - right eye components. The split picture is then watched using a simple pair of polarising glasses - similar to the ones handed out in modern 3D cinemas - to create the 3D image.

The closer the viewer is to the screen, the worse it feels, making 3D TVs more problematic than cinema screens. Researchers at Eindhoven University in the Netherlands asked 39 people who could see 3D to read some text on a screen 10 feet away. Seven of the group suffered symptoms that can lead to nausea, including double vision and eye.

Are You 3-D Fit?
Your Whole Life: The 3D Plan for Eating Right, Living Well, and Loving God
NXG Technology NX-3DG Active Shutter Type 3D Glasses
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Are mobile phones bad for babies ?

Scientists in America  reported that foetuses regularly exposed to mobile phones in the womb had a 30 per cent greater chance of behavioural difficulties at the age of seven. The findings, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, were based on a study of 28,000 seven-year-olds and their mothers, who were part of the Danish National Birth Cohort study.

The study enrolled 100,000 pregnant women between 1996 and 2002 and monitored their behaviour and their children's health over eight years.

The  report sugests  that  pregnant  women who regularly use mobile phones may be more likely to have children with behavioural problems, particularly if their children start using mobile phones in their first seven years. The researchers from the University of Southern California said the results showed an obvious association between mobile phone exposure and abnormal behaviour in children.

The Australian Centre for Radio Frequency Bioeffects Research,  said the data was not strong enough to indicate a link between mobile phone exposure and behavioural problems.

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bra made up of Nasa space technology

There is no limits to technology today , as we can see from the new Nasa technology used in “Womens BRA”.  A new technologically advanced  BRA has been launched using  NASA technology.

Technologically improved womes BRA

"For example, if you're exercising and  the BRA detects a rise in body temperature, it can expand to offer more support when you need it."

"It can boost the cleavage when it detects a rise in body temperature," Dr Nielsen said.

NASA  BRA space technology BRA

The bra, according to Dr Nielsen, can also adapt to a woman's changing shape and size, meaning you're less likely to have to shop for another bra down the line.

- Home brings you images, videos and interactive features from the unique perspective of America's space agency. Get the latest updates on NASA missions, ...

The NEW NASA inspired BRA

NASA developed its intelligent memory foam in the '60s to make its aircraft seating safer and more comfortable. The "smart" foam, which has the unique quality of retaining or remembering its shape after pressure is applied, is the key ingredient in a new kind of bra being distributed in Australia. "A derivation of the foam is used in the memory foam mattresses. It's also used in the safety lining of racing car helmets, and so I realised it could have a lot of practical uses, and this softening and expansion could have a lot of benefits."

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

So what is kangaroo care and its benefits ?

Kangaroo care saves australian baby

A mom in Australia says a doctor declared her newborn son "dead," but she helped bring him back to life by holding the premature baby against her body using a method known as "kangaroo care."

"I thought, 'Oh my God, what's going on?' " Kate Ogg said on the Australian television show, Today Tonight when she saw her baby  come back to life thanks to kangaroo care. Kate Ogg says a practice known as 'kangaroo care' helped revive her 'dead' baby, Jamie, who was born premature. Saved by a mother's touch

kangaroo care australia

The child, named Jamie, was born after only 27 weeks with his twin sister, Emily, at a hospital in Sydney. Her birth went well, but his was a different story. The doctor struggled for 20 minutes to save him before declaring him dead. "His little arms and legs were just falling down away from his body," Ogg said. "I took my gown off and arranged him on my chest with his head over my arm and just held him."

Kangaroo care saves baby’s life in australia

She and her husband, David, spoke to the child as she continued to embrace him for nearly two hours. During that time, she said, the two-pound infant showed signs of life. "I told my mum, who was there, that he was still alive. Then he held out his hand and grabbed my finger," Ogg said.

Origins of kangaroo care In bogota

Most studies have proven that Kangaroo Care has a major, positive impact on babies and their parents; some studies have proven there is no change; but no study has proven that Kangaroo Care has hurt either parent or baby.

in 1998, Gay Gale and Kathleen Vandenburg (Neonatal Network, 12 (6): 49-57) found an increased intimacy and attachment between baby and parent. Kangaroo Care was found to help a parent feel connected. Eye contact led to an experience of "knowing" infant.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kangaroo care is a technique practiced on newborn, usually preterm, infants wherein the infant is held, skin-to-skin, with an adult. Kangaroo care for pre-term infants may be restricted to a few hours per day, but if they are medically stable that time may be extended. Some parents may keep their babies in-arms for many hours per day. Kangaroo care, named for the similarity to how certain marsupials carry their young, was initially developed to care for preterm infants in areas where incubators are either unavailable or unreliable.

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Home remedies for the seasonal Australian Cold and Flu – part 1

Millions  of “Australians  suffer  the cold and flu when the colder months of June july and august  come very year. it is around this time that the chemists  and pharmaceuticals companies for cold and flu medicine make a killing.

Luckily for some  who are willing to try some natural medicines  and deny these capitalist  medicine mongers some of their revenue, i am providing a alternative natural  solution.

common-cold and flu home remedy eucalyptus oil

Simple home remedies  for cold and flu

All you need is Patience , eucalyptus oil and hot water and a towel and a inclination to believe or try natural remedies. As you know eucalyptus is  known for its medicinal values  and it definitely helps remedy cold and flu and  unclog all that gunk and stuff you have in your  nasal system

What you need to do ?

Eucalyptus oil  and Hot water

Heat a couple ( 3 to 4 ) of glasses of water  and place it  in a wide bowl on  the kitchen table  which should be off appropriate height ( normally). Drop  2 drops of the eucalyptus oil in  the water , place a towel over your head  and bring you head down( as close as you can to the bowl without getting burnt with the steam) , so that the  large towel encloses the bowl  and the area aorund it , while it is over your head  and not letting any  air in or out ( maybe a small gap will do )

Now start taking deep breaths ( you will get the hot steam air with eucalyptus flavor going up your nose),  you can alternate the intensity of the deep breaths  as per the heat affecting you  you can also  add one or 2 more drops ( after  a 5 minute session ) if you feel the eucalyptus oil  steam  has become a bit weaker in the water.

Inhalation with Eucalyptus oil  and Hot water

Do this at least 2 times   a day  for 2  to 3 days and you will be soon on your road to recovery  in 2 days or the next couple of days.

Do  consult your GP  if you have cold and flu as this is only a alternative natural home remedy and may not work  for all or in all situations.

Next : the Sure fire “Stopping that annoying cough Home Remedy”

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cure for blood cancer !!

I know people are a sucker for remedies when they are  desperate !! but i am not writing this post because of that , sometimes you never know  if there is truth in it until u try it .. I have  no idea if this cure or remedy works  if at all. I just received this information in  an email , here it is.

A cure for blood cancer ?

'Imitinef Mercilet'

“Imitinef Mercilet” is a medicine which cures a type of blood cancer,
Its available at free of cost in following hospitals
Adyar cancer institute in Chennai, Bangalore, Trivandrum.
Kovai-Sri Ramakrishna hospital

The human body is at all times prone to dissimilar types of diseases. But, there are a number of diseases, which cause entire dejection into the patients, because these incurable diseases do not have any cure. Blood cancer, scientifically well-known as leukaemia is one such disease, which in anticipation of now did not have any kind of treatment that can provide entire relief without any type of adverse side effects. However, researchers each and every one over the world put in their most excellent efforts and discovered Imitinef Mercilet, the miracle drug for curing blood cancer. Furthermore, Imitinef Mercilet acts only through the cancerous cells and does not harm some other vital organ in your body.

Imitinef Mercilet

Administration of Imitinef Mercilet verbally at Adyar Cancer Institute has provided optimistic results to people suffering on or after blood cancer. Eminent cancer specialists working in Adyar Cancer Institute have exposed that the body rapidly absorbsImitinef Mercilet particularly when the patient take the drug orally as nearly ninety-eight percent of the drug, straight away goes into the bloodstream and starts its remedial effect. Though liver is the organ, where the metabolism of the drug takes position but to hand is no adverse effect on this vital organ. Consequently, patients because of all over the world can avail this free treatment and live a healthy as well as carefree life.

Imitinef Mercilet works in a miraculous way as it creates a blockade in the improvement of the irregular enzyme that causes leukaemia. This obstruction developed by Imitinef Mercilet not only restricts the abnormal growth of the blood cells but also switches off the production of the protein that aids in the enlargement of the cancerous cells. It is a well-known fact all the way through the world that cancer treatment is a costly concern, which most of the people are not capable to bear. Keeping this in mind, Adyar Cancer Institute in Chennai has taken the inventiveness step of providing free treatment forleukaemia patients.

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Begone !! The awful flu season – Home made remedies for Flu and cold

Get home made remedies for flu

Sure, the best way to avoid a king hit from influenza this winter or cold is to get a flu vax, but what about the mild seasonal cold?
You may be surrounded by sniffling, sneezing colleagues, but that doesn't have to mean you're next in line. As well as staying hydrated and steering clear of immune-system saboteurs like sugar, fatty foods and alcohol, you can ward off winter bugs with a balanced diet including these power-packed foods.
cold and flu remedy medicine online doctor

I got the flu !! – get a home remedy for Cold and flu

As is usual i got the flu this winter again , and i decided  to toss the  usual cold and flu tablets  in the bin  and try a natural remedy .The most important thin to do is attack the flu right when it starts and not let the bad bacteria get stronger.
Here is the magic remedy that  gave the cold and flu a beating  and made it disappear in 2 days
chop ginger  to fill 1/4 a table spoon
Fill the tablespoon with the chopped ginger  and honey  and drink a glass of warm water immediately  after having this tablespoon . repeat this at least twice a day . do not have any cold drinks or  cold foods and remain warm wearing warm clothes  and you shall see this disappear. It it still persists  then its time to go get that  flu medicine that you dumped in the bin.
Some preventions you can take to avoid flu !!
Yes, your kindy teacher was onto something about the flu and cold. The germs that cause colds can live for hours – even weeks – on objects like doorknobs, tap handles and phones. So, hit the soap and water often, avoid touching your mouth and nose, and cover mouth with a tissue when you sneeze.
When you’re stressed, your body produces cortisol, a hormone that messes with your immune system. However, when you’re relaxed, cortisol levels go down – especially when you’re physically active at the same time. Signing up for yoga
this winter will do the trick.
Vicks DayQuil Cold & Flu Relief LiquiCaps, 40-count BoxMellin's Emulsion Coughs, Colds and Flu Medicine, UK, 1890 Collections Giclee Poster Print, 18x24How to Prevent and Heal Flu and Common Cold Using Acupressure and Acupuncture (Journal of Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture)New Body "Formula C-FU" (Cold & Flu)Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Medicine Effervescent Tablets, Sparkling Original, 36-Count Boxes (Pack of 3)ABC News 20/20 Cleaning Up the Germ MythsBoiron Children's Cough,Cold & Flu Value Pack 1 eaThe Good Doctor's Guide to Colds and Flu
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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Australian weight loss programs costing $0

ustralian  miracle weight loss program costing Zilch

Today i saw this programme on TV  about weight loss . This australian girl Adele ( not not the British singer Adele) from australia  apparently lost 64 kilos  just using  a music cd and dancing  away her fat.
She started and managed to just move her legs around a bit and did one song the first day , but her legs got fitter and before she knew it with her prsuasion and hard work  she put into her dancing she was 64 kilos  slimmer and looks a beauty now.This was the miracle weight loss programme that she  invented and worked for her.
Australian weight loss programme

So what did it take this brave ausssie lasss to loss 64 kilos ?

One funky music CD probably around $15
And a whole lotta dancing
so what are you waiting for , crank up the music  and put on those dancing shoes ( make sure you dont overdo and hurt yourself)
"I think that  weight loss methods are a  very complex and cluttered category, the weight loss category, and there are certainly some reputable programs and there are less reputable ways of losing weight."

Some of the popular weight loss diets and program’s in australia are

A few of the thousands of options available to the Australian market are:
  • Tony Ferguson Diet
  • Soup diet
  • The low GI diet
  • Atkins diet
  • Salmon diet
  • Weight Watches
  • Milk shake diet
  • Lemon detox diet
  • Jenny Craig
  • CSIRO diet
  • Clothesline diet
  • Raw food diet
  • Slimfast diet
  • Protein powder diet
  • Liquid diet
  • Macrobiotic diet
  • Low carb diet
so if you are willing  to try something cheap and free just go with what adelle did and try it out before you spend your hard earned money on some weigh loss programme
Alli Weight-Loss Aid, Orlistat 60mg Capsules, 120-Count Refill PackIf I'm So Smart, Why Can't I Lose Weight?: Tools to Get it DoneACAI Juice Extreem -240 CAPSULES 100% PURE, 4 times MORE potent for each MG ACAI Berry Natural Nutrition, Energy and also used for Weight Loss Detox Diet 4 Bottles, 4 Months , 1300 MgI Can Make You Thin: The Revolutionary System Used by More Than 3 Million People (Book and CD)100 Days of Weight Loss: The Secret to Being Successful on Any Diet PlanLI SHOU Magic Slimming CapsulesThe Biggest Loser: The Workout - Weight Loss YogaThe Spark: The 28-Day Breakthrough Plan for Losing Weight, Getting Fit, and Transforming Your LifeSecrets of a Former Fat Girl: How to Lose Two, Four (or More!) Dress Sizes--And Find Yourself Along the WayMaking the Cut: The 30-Day Diet and Fitness Plan for the Strongest, Sexiest You

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