Genetically Contaminated FOOD
Genetic Contamination. The term was popularized by environmentalist Jeremy Rifkin in his 1998 book The Biotech Century. One more term added to the dictionary of pollutions, The Genetic Pollution or Genetic Contamination.
Genetic Contamination or Pollution can be described as the serious side effects that may occur due the unintentional process of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) dispersing their genes into the natural environment by cross breeding with wild plants or animals in the nature.
Dangers of Genetic Contamination:
Genetic engineering helps institutions or scientists to create plants, animals and micro-organisms by manipulating genes in an artificial way.These genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can spread through nature and interbreed with natural organisms, thereby contaminating naturally occurring animals and plants .
The dangers behind Genetic contamination cannot be explained with one or two posts. I feel that it need minimum ten big posts to give a clear idea about that. Anyway I will explain few aspects.
This alteration can create new species whose reproduction, health safety, natural good effects are altered in an unpredictable way. Once the natural environment is contaminated with such modified organisms then this cannot be recalled or rectify back to older condition.
if a crop is Genetically Modified?
There are some good effects for Genetically Modified like controlling weeds, increasing output etc. But the hidden danger is that these GM crops will be mingled with natural breeds and outcome cannot be determined.
An Example:
Bayer CropScience AG, a subsidiary company of the German chemical giant Bayer AG developed a Genetically Modified rice, – technical name LL62 – has been genetically-engineered to withstand high doses of glufosinate, sprayed on rice fields by farmers to control a wide range of weeds. The weeds will die, the GE rice will survive.
Moreover, using such Genetically Modified crops will give a monopoly to seed producing Multinational companies. Farmers will have to pay some money to such companies for using the seeds again. Or most of the times, Genetically Modified crops will not produce seeds that can generate next generations, we say it as “KILLER CROPS”
Health Dangers of Genetically Modified crop foods
Lack of Safety Testing—Genetically Modified crops produces food that never tested for its long term safety.
Toxins and Allergic Reactions or Side effects—Genetically Modified crops are mutated and may create new and higher levels of toxins in foods. This can create some Allergic reactions or even can turn deadly.
37 people died, 1500 were partially paralyzed, and 5000 more were temporarily disabled by a syndrome that was finally linked to tryptophan made by genetically-engineered bacteria.
Decreased Nutritional Value—Transgenic foods may mislead consumers with counterfeit freshness. A luscious-looking, bright red genetically engineered tomato could be several weeks old and of little nutritional worth.
Presence of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria—Genetic engineers use antibiotic-resistance genes to mark genetically engineered cells. These genes may be picked up by bacteria which may infect us.
Where to find details of a Genetically Contaminated Material
Here is a Genetic Contaminated Material Register which will help you to find details of a crop or anything of your choice.This GM register contains details of:
*contamination incidents – where food, feed or a related wild species have been found to contain unintended GM material from a GM crop or other organism
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